Same Day Delivery - Magenta
If you are looking for a local florist in Magenta then choose the premier florist in Italy, Maria’s Florist. We adore fresh flowers and have an in depth knowledge and understanding of their individual meanings and colors.
Let your romance be known by sending a generous bouquet of red roses. Share cheer by sending a flower arrangement of colourful gerberas. Commiserate the loss of a loved and respected friend with the delivery of funeral and sympathy flowers. Or offer a last minute gesture just because you are thinking of someone special. Our special offers allow everyone, no matter your budget, to act spontaneously.
Same day delivery in Magenta and surrounding suburbs, Cusano Milanino, Melzo, San Giuliano Milanese, Vignate, Vizzolo Predabissi, Basiglio, Cernusco sul Naviglio, Busto Garolfo and Binasco makes it even more convenient to act on a whim.
Our friendly English and Italian floral consultants are available to assist you via phone, live chat or email.