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Same Day Delivery
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69.00 64.95
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74.00 68.50
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76.00 70.00
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Autumn Morning
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80.00 71.95
Same Day Delivery
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98.00 88.00
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Special Moments
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99.00 94.95
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Pure Love
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108.00 97.00
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Intense Simplicity
Save 9%
53.00 48.00
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Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
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54.00 50.00
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
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59.00 54.50
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A Lifetime
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127.00 119.50
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Pale Yellow & Lilac
Save 12%
61.00 53.95

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Maria Fiorista Frattamaggiore

Flowers for the beautiful lady? Blooms perfect for home décor? Or blossoms to remember a lost loved one? We can also provide you flowers to say “I miss you” to a loved one you haven’t spoken to for a while. Maria Fiorista can help you express your thoughts and feelings with the flowers in our collection. Take a look at our website and discover blooms that are perfect gifts.

Freshly-Picked Flowers at Maria Fiorista Frattamaggiore

If you’re looking for floral gifts that are freshly picked, you have come to the right place! Maria Fiorista Frattamaggiore only provides fresh cut flowers, those that our florists got themselves from the best flower fields in Italy. They are flawless, each petal, leaf, and stem without any flaw that could disappoint their recipient.

Reconnect With Loved Ones With a Floral Gift

Flowers have the power to reconnect. These blooms have mesmerizing beauty and captivating essence that can spread magic able to change one’s state of mind. If you can choose the right flower and create the perfect opportunity, flowers bring out an affectionate, peaceful, and happy feeling. Who wouldn’t want that? We certainly do.

If that is the kind of floral gift you are looking for, our Frattamaggiore florists can make that happen. We carry most flower types you see, such as roses, tulips, lilies, dahlias, gerberas, sunflowers, and chrysanthemums. They are available in red, pink, yellow, orange, blue, purple, and white. With these many options, our florists can design any floral gift for you.

Send Flowers on the Same Day with Frattamaggiore Florists

Once you have checked out the flowers you picked, our florists will be sure to work on them right away. As long as you ordered them before 1 pm, we will deliver them on the same day. You can rely on our florists to design a bouquet, flower arrangement or gift basket that will impress. We are confident we can earn a beautiful smile from your loved one.

Come order your flowers today!