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For those living or traveling in central Italy, The small town of Fermo sitting 1,000 feet above the Adriatic coast is a beautiful place to visit.  This small settlement was founded in 264 BC and has grown to over 50,000 residents. Fermo offers a variety of recreation.  Depending on the time of year you are close to mountain climbing, hiking, skiing or surfing.  If you are a history buff, like most ancient cities there are always palaces, churches and museums nearby.

Since it is an active location this premier florist of Fermo thought it would be a perfect place to offer their services.  Whether you live in the region or are tourists traveling through the city, a beautiful floral arrangement can often make someone's day.  Red roses are especially plentiful and using local growers is part of the Maria Florista tradition.  Specialty flowers are not a problem and they can be ordered online.  Same day delivery in Fermo is offered with 100% satisfaction guaranteed.  The varieties of events for which you can use their services are endless.  There are birthdays, funerals, weddings, births and anniversaries to name a few.

Language is never an issue since Maria Florista offers English and Italian speaking floral consultants twenty-four hours a day seven day a week.  When visiting Fermo for whatever reason check us out.  You will not be disappointed.  Ciao!