Lily of the Valley

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Lily of the Valley

Aside from the flower’s captivating yet straightforward charm, Lilies of the Valley are also known for their elegance and meaningful symbolism. Read on to learn more about the Lily of the Valley.

About Lily of the Valley

Lily of the Valley is a bell-shaped, pendent, and scented flower. It is a delicate and beautiful flower but can also be poisonous. Ingesting the bloom can cause abdominal pain, drowsiness, blurred vision, and reduced heart rate. These flowers may be sweet, but they’re not so friendly.

Scientific Name

Convallaria majalis is the scientific name of Lily of the Valley. It is a sweet-scented perennial herb, the only species of genus Convallaria in the Asparagaceae family.

Origin and History

Native to North America and Eurasia, this flowering plant is cultivated mainly in shaded garden areas and various temperate regions. When these plants grow together, they form a dense mat that is sometimes used as ground cover. The lily-of-the-valley has a biblical origin, as it was once known as Our Lady’s Tears. It was said that the flower came from Mary’s weeping when Jesus was crucified. In another version, the flower came from Mary’s tears when she was asked to leave the Garden of Eden.

Symbolism and Meaning

Throughout the years, Lily of the Valley has developed several meanings. The flowers are associated with feminine values like sweetness, chastity, purity, and motherhood. The Lily of the Valley also symbolizes sincerity, discretion, and youth. These blooms also represent a return of happiness, which is why it’s important to give people you love with Lilies of the Valley.


Lily of the Valley is expensive, but quite the popular bloom used on special occasions like weddings. It is not surprising that it’s a favourite wedding bouquet since the flower is also thought to bring luck in love. The flowers are typically used as floral arrangements in wedding venues and as bridal bouquets. For centuries and even now, Lily of the Valley floral arrangements and bouquets are given as tokens of love and good luck.

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