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Many flowers can be both beautiful and beneficial, and goldenrod is one of them. Its yellow blooms are not only stunning but can help with pain, swelling, muscle spasms, and more. Are these flowers used in floral arrangements as well? Yes, of course! Let’s find out more about goldenrod, its symbolism, and the things you can use it for.

About Goldenrod

Goldenrod is the common name of a particular flower that looks a lot like a sunflower. It has ray and disk flowers that come in yellow with a head about 7 to 8 mm wide. These flowers are an herbaceous perennial plant, often a source of debate whether it is a wildflower or an invasive weed. In general, it is a tall and slim plant with fluffy golden flowers. Its invasive weed reputation is due to its fast growth rate, growing full size in two months.

Scientific Name of Goldenrod

Goldenrod or Solidago is a genus of flowering plants that belong in the Asteraceae or aster family. It has around 120 species, with two of the most common species being the high plains goldenrod or Solidago altiplanities C.E.S., and Canada goldenrod or Solidago altissima L. Goldenrods are most often found in meadows and open fields. The name Solidago is derived from Latin “solidas” and “ago,” which together means “to make whole.”

Origin and History

Goldenrods are originally native to North America, South America, part of Mexico, and Eurasia. From the origin of the name Solidago, goldenrod was likely named for its medicinal properties. In the past, people used the plant to help treat wounds. The Native American tribes also used the flower as a food source. They either eat the seeds or steep the dried flowers in hot water to drink as tea.

Meaning and Symbolism

Goldenrod is typically associated with good luck or good fortune. As such, the flowers are often used to send someone well wishes. On the other hand, its beauty makes it an excellent display at home. Solidago also has many different meanings, such as growth, success, sincerity, caution, and happiness. 


Goldenrod is a very versatile flower that can be arranged or created into bouquets with varying meanings. They are beautiful blooms that let you add a touch of meaning to your bouquets or floral gifts to mean different things, from sending good luck to wishing a person happiness.