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Gladiolus were grown, cultivated, and loved by gardeners, florists, and plant lovers for generations. They are viewed as beautiful summer blooms with elegant long flower spikes that easily captivate people’s attention. You can find out more about this flower in the rest of the article.

About Gladiolus

Gladiolus, also called gladiola, is a classic perennial noted for its colourful, large blooms and tall spikes. They are stunning blooms that look perfect in summer bouquets. Often called “glads,” these are available in various colours and reach between two and five feet in height. The flowers differ in size, from small ones measuring 3 inches in diameter to giant Gladiolus over 5 inches. Gladiolus comes in different gorgeous colours such as lavender, pink, yellow, green, and white.

Scientific Name

The name Gladiolus refers to the genus of the perennial flowering plants belonging to the Iris family. These flowers are also sometimes called “sword lilies.” Gladiolus communis, also known as the common cornflag, is one of the nearly 300 species of Gladiolus.  This genus mainly occurs in South Africa, tropical Africa, Mediterranean Europe, and Asia.

Origin and History

Gladiolus originated from South Africa but can also be found in Eastern and North-western Africa, Arabian Peninsula, and the Mediterranean. Hybrids produce impressive summer garden blooms. The term “Gladiolus” is taken from the Latin word “Gladius,” which means sword.

Symbolism and Meaning

Gladiolus symbolizes heroism. Since the flower’s name came from the Latin word “Gladius,” it aptly represents pride, victor, and strength. This flower, particularly the purple one, also has symbolic meanings of faithfulness and strength. The Gladiolus also represents sincerity. On the other hand, their strong and tall stems symbolize character strength as well.


Gladiolus floral arrangements are perfect for weddings. These flowers display numerous beautifully shaped blooms that are the ideal choice for wedding arrangements. You can also send stunning Gladiolus bouquets to a special someone. Gladiolus blooms also look spectacular in flower gardens and even in a vase.

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