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Daisy is one of the most common flowers people know today. However, it is tough as it is beautiful, making it a pretty fascinating flower. Let’s learn more about daisies below.

About Daisy

Daisy is a pretty common flower but is also undeniably lovely. It is not surprising how common these blooms are when they make up nearly 10% of all the world’s flowering plants. Moreover, it can adapt and grow to almost any environment, even as high as in the mountains. Daisies come in many colours, but the soft, white petalled ones are the most iconic. It is also amazing how daisies can grow almost all year round.

Scientific Name

The scientific name of daisy is Bellis perennis. The term “Bellis” comes from the Latin word “Bellus,” which means pretty, and “perennis,” which means “everlasting.” The name “daisy” comes from an ancient English phrase “daes eage” or “day’s eye.” It’s because of the way daisies bloom at dawn. To set it apart from other species, Daisy is called by many names—common daisy, lawn daisy, and English daisy. Historically, daisies are also called bruisewort and woundwort.

Origin and History

Daisy is a common European species that belongs to the Asteraceae family. They are native to northern, central, and western Europe, including the remote islands. These flowers are also naturalized in temperate areas like Australia and America. These lovely flowers have been around different parts of the world since 2,200 B.C. Ancient Egyptians are known to grow them in their gardens and use the flowers as herbal medicines. Today, daisies are typical features on every continent.

Symbolism and Meaning

In general, daisies symbolize happiness, positivity, and simplicity. The blooms are also associated with purity, virtue, innocence, and fertility, which stem from an ancient Celtic legend involving Freya, the goddess of fertility, beauty, and love. As such, daisies also came to symbolize childbirth and motherhood. Daisy also represents new beginnings. It is for this reason that daisies are given to new mothers.


Floral arrangements using daisies are perfect for weddings. These flowers can be arranged, designed, and made into lovely bouquets given to your special someone. Or, you can give them to new mothers to congratulate them on a job well done during childbirth.

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