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If you’re looking for a bright coloured garden flower that’s also perfect for floral arrangements, the dahlia is just right. They are a genuinely stunning bloom that brightens the garden and are just as great as bouquets and floral displays. You’re probably curious, so let’s find out more about this blossom in the rest of the article.

About Dahlia

Dahlias are simple flowering plants, tuberous perennials with segmented, cut, or toothed leaves. They have leafy stems, growing as low as 12 inches to over 6-8 feet. They have compound flowers that can be red, yellow, white, purple. Most species of dahlias have scented flowers, and some wild species have both ray and disk flowers. However, other ornamental varieties like the common garden dahlia have shortened ray flowers with full petals that are a bit curled in themselves.

Scientific Name of Dahlia

The scientific name of dahlia is also Dahlia, also the genus name of this bushy flowering plant that belongs to the Asteraceae family. There are 36 recognised species of dahlia. The flower is related to sunflowers, chrysanthemums, zinnias, and daisies. Antonio Jose Cavanilles was said to be the one who named the flower, naming the first new flowers he grew after Anders Dahl, the author of the “Observations Botanica.”’

Origin and History

Dahlias are originally native to Mesoamerica, but most of the species are located in Mexico. Some species of dahlia also grow naturally in Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Honduras, and some parts of South America. Dahlia has a heritage rooted deep with the Aztec culture as they used it as a food source. They also used its blooms to treat disorders like epilepsy. The Aztecs also used the stems of the flower as a water pipe.

Meaning and Symbolism

There are different meanings associated with dahlias, such as being a message of grace and blessings. Dahlia also symbolises strong values, creativity, and inner strength. The flowers also mean standing out from the crowd since it’s hard to deny the beauty of dahlias. They often express congratulations, good luck, or support since the flowers represent embracing positive changes. Other meanings of dahlia include honesty and commitment.


Dahlias do well in enlivening a flower arrangement. Its blossoms are often used to mix with other blooms to create a unique floral arrangement. A typical style of arranging dahlias is designing them in a vase, making an excellent floral display.