Chrysanthemum Button

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Chrysanthemum Button

Show your loved ones your sweet side by giving them bouquets of chrysanthemum buttons. With their unique, aesthetic look, it’s hard to resist these so-called “button mums” and their button-like flowers. Get to know more about chrysanthemum buttons below.

Scientific Name

Chrysanthemums come in several varieties, and the chrysanthemum button is one of them. This variety of Chrysanthemum has a scientific name of Chrysanthemum x morifolium, but more commonly known as “chrysanths,” or “mums.”

In Greek, the name chrysanthemum button is composed of “Anthos,” which means flower, and “chrysos,” which means gold. Chrysanthemum buttons come in different colours, including purple, red, white, and yellow.

History and Origin

Chrysanthemum, including chrysanthemum buttons, has a long history. The firsts to cultivate chrysanthemum buttons are the Chinese in the 15th century B.C. Since then, it has been a part of their traditions and cultures. 

This bloom is also part of the Chinese’s noble plants, along with orchid, bamboo, and plum. Being a noble plant, those in the lower class were prohibited from growing these blooms in their homes. Beyond being a noble plant, Old Chinese Armies also use this bloom as their badge.

The Japanese are also fond of chrysanthemum buttons, and they began to cultivate them during the Nara and Heian periods. The blooms became popular in the Edo period, when many varieties, flower shapes, and colours were created.

It was in 1798 when chrysanthemums reached American horticulture. Around that time, Colonel John Stevens imported the flower, specifically the cultivated variety called “Dark purple.” Chrysanthemum became an attraction at the Elysian Fields and led to its cultivation in the U.S.

Symbolisms and Arrangements

Chrysanthemums, including chrysanthemum buttons, have cultural significance in many countries, particularly in China and Japan. For the Chinese, it signifies the sun. For the Japanese, it represents the imperial family. But generally, the flower symbolises life, optimism, happiness, longevity, and devoted love.

Out of the many species of chrysanthemums, chrysanthemum buttons are often used in different bouquet arrangements. Many use it as garden plants or vase plants, as decorations or floral gifts. Several designers incorporate the blooms in many events, such as weddings or birthdays, due to their bright colours and astonishing beauty.

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