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The Agapanthus flower is a beautiful bloom used in many bouquets and floral arrangements. It is widely known as a love flower, ideal for giving to someone you care deeply and love. Learn more about the Agapanthus flower below.

About Agapanthus

Agapanthus is a beautiful trumpet-shaped flower that’s typically blue or white. As a perennial flower, it can live for more than two years. It does well in warm climates with mild winters. However, it can also survive in harsher environments if adequately cared for and tended during the coldest months.

It is a hardy bloom, enough for it to last a few days once it’s been cut. Agapanthus is a wonderful garden flower, one that instantly makes a yard attractive. It can stay alive for years, spreading out and re-growing. It’s why agapanthus is also an excellent plant to use for landscaping designs. 

Scientific Name

Agapanthus is a flower with the scientific name of Agapanthus Orientalis, which belongs in the family Amaryllidaceae. It is known by many common terms such as ‘Agapanthus,’ ‘lily-of-the-Nile,’ ‘African lily,’ and ‘Aunty Aggy’s pants.’ 

History and Origin

The name “Agapanthus” is derived from the Greek words “agape,” meaning ‘love’ and the word “anthos,” which means ‘flower.’ It means that the Agapanthus flower’s name essentially means “love flower.”

The Agapanthus flower originated from South Africa, between the Limpopo River and the Cape of Good Hope. Today, they are cultivated throughout the world in places with warmer climates. There are many species of the flower, thought to be around 6 to 10.

Symbolism and Meaning

As mentioned before, the name Agapanthus means “love flower.” It’s a stunning bloom with a beautiful meaning, making it an appropriate gift to someone you love and care deeply about. Agapanthus is a flower of love.


Agapanthus can be arranged in various ways thanks to its exquisite looks, such as white, pink, blue, and purple. It is a popular bloom for wedding bouquets and designs that use a vase, often used as a centrepiece or a décor.

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