Sophistication at Sunset

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Creative & sophisticated at first sight of this Bouquet.


Sophistication at Sunset

No matter where or when; this sophisticated beauty will always find a way to their heart. Even when you don't have any words in your mouth, a glance upon this gorgeous bouquet of roses, gerberas, orchids, and anthuriums will speak directly to their soul. With a background of mixed greenery brewed with an exquisite variety of colors, this true work of art is an extravagant arrangement that comes as a thoughtful gift for any special occasion. A perfect sight to behold at dusk with an excellent touch of class.

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Sophistication at Sunset

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Creative & sophisticated at first sight of this Bouquet.


Sophistication at Sunset

No matter where or when; this sophisticated beauty will always find a way to their heart. Even when you don't have any words in your mouth, a glance upon this gorgeous bouquet of roses, gerberas, orchids, and anthuriums will speak directly to their soul. With a background of mixed greenery brewed with an exquisite variety of colors, this true work of art is an extravagant arrangement that comes as a thoughtful gift for any special occasion. A perfect sight to behold at dusk with an excellent touch of class.

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Christian Sent Flowers To Seregno, Italy
5 Stars..
October 2018

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