Ray of Sunshine

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Bring a ray of sunshine & romance with these red roses.


Ray of Sunshine

The sunshine is a glimpse of hope to anyone having a bad day. Sometimes, it comes as a cheerful master to show fulfillment in our faith or tell us that someone somewhere is thinking about us. The beautiful bouquet wrapped around with dazzling foil is a perfect way to show how much you believe in someone. Involving a deep lush of red roses with sweet daisies to represent a lightness that touches the soul when you need it the most. The sun will not stop shining which means that this wholesome flower can brighten your day as long as they twinkle.

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Ray of Sunshine

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Bring a ray of sunshine & romance with these red roses.


Ray of Sunshine

The sunshine is a glimpse of hope to anyone having a bad day. Sometimes, it comes as a cheerful master to show fulfillment in our faith or tell us that someone somewhere is thinking about us. The beautiful bouquet wrapped around with dazzling foil is a perfect way to show how much you believe in someone. Involving a deep lush of red roses with sweet daisies to represent a lightness that touches the soul when you need it the most. The sun will not stop shining which means that this wholesome flower can brighten your day as long as they twinkle.

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Olga Sent Flowers To Bergamo
I would like to thank so very much the MARIA FIORISTA for excellent service. I was sending flowers to Italy from Sweden and the service provided was very fast, efficient and professional. I had custom request on special flowers and all my requirements were fully satisfied. I am very pleased and I will always use the MARIA FIORISTA for sending flowers in future and would highly recommend this shop to all my friends!\Thank you very very much again for this great experience and for making a day special for my beloved person!\\Olga

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