Featured Hospital Flowers

Same Day Delivery
Save 16%
69.95 58.95
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Save 8%
65.00 60.00
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Save 12%
69.00 60.95
Same Day Delivery
Coming Home
Save 7%
66.00 61.50
Same Day Delivery
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69.00 64.95
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Purple Orchid
Save 7%
75.00 69.95
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Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
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76.00 70.95
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery

Hospital Flowers

Maria Fiorista delivers flowers of all kinds to all local hospitals in Europe & the UK. We can send flowers for get-well greetings, a new baby, sympathy, and more. Buy before 1 pm and enjoy same-day flower delivery.

When loved ones are sick and aren’t doing well, you can be the person to bring them positive energy. Your thoughtfulness and love can be their strength in these trying times. How can you be that person when you aren’t physically there? Flowers can help you do that.

At Maria Fiorista, we have a vast range of hospital flowers that you can give to your loved ones. These are flowers we are sure can uplift their moods and make them feel positive once again.  For a long time, flowers have been helping treat physical and mental illnesses.

Allergy-Free Flowers Delivered Same Day

Sending flowers is great, but we advise being careful in the kind of flowers you order. You can pick from hypoallergenic flowers that are free from pollen that can cause allergies. Instead of baby’s breath, aster, daisy, or sunflowers, it is best to send them camellia, begonia, or azalea.

These flowers are an ideal choice for patients with pollen allergies. Besides these three, we still have many options that you can check on our website. Each of these flowers is fresh cut and perfect for get-well or new baby arrangements.

Potted Plants and Gift Baskets

If bouquets and flower arrangements aren’t your thing, we also have potted plants and gift baskets. You can discover a considerable number of plant gifts on a separate page on our website. These plants are great for wishing your loved one good health and speedy recovery.

We also have gift baskets—flowers in baskets that make easy, convenient gifts. They also come in different flower types and colours, so we’re confident you can find what you need. If you want, you can also have a teddy bear, balloon, or other extras included in your gift basket.

Buy Hospital Flowers Online at Maria Fiorista

Maria Fiorista’s local florists can deliver flowers to communicate and private hospitals anywhere in Europe & the UK. We also deliver in primary care clinics, healthcare facilities, maternity hospitals, hospice homes, nursing homes, and retirement villages.

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