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Be enchanted with this fairytale bouquet.



The refined artfulness of this exquisite arrangement is just tailor-made to enthrall! This inspired blend is composed of captivating carnations, coordinated with the subdued grace of dainty orchids a soothing shade of purple, all impeccably pulled together with pristine white roses.

It would make for quite the picturesque addition to a wedding as white roses are know to herald new beginnings, and not just those of love, all kinds! A great gift for a baby shower or a much celebrated graduation! 

Vase not included

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Be enchanted with this fairytale bouquet.



The refined artfulness of this exquisite arrangement is just tailor-made to enthrall! This inspired blend is composed of captivating carnations, coordinated with the subdued grace of dainty orchids a soothing shade of purple, all impeccably pulled together with pristine white roses.

It would make for quite the picturesque addition to a wedding as white roses are know to herald new beginnings, and not just those of love, all kinds! A great gift for a baby shower or a much celebrated graduation! 

Vase not included

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