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Lilies are undeniably one of the most popular flowers in the world used and favored by many florists and gardeners. These flowers are easy to grow and incredibly versatile, providing impact and color both indoor and outdoor. The following is additional information that can get you more familiar with lilies.

About Lily

Lily is a genus of herbaceous flowering plants that grow from a bulb and with prominent large leaves. Lilies have notable significance to both literature and culture. Most species of Lily are native to the northern hemisphere’s temperature, although the flower’s range spans to north subtropics.

Scientific Name

Lily’s scientific name is Lilium. The bloom is distinguished by open and large flowers positioned above sturdy and tall stems. Within this genus are different groups.

Origin and History

Lily’s origins are from centuries ago, and this flower is native to the Northern Hemisphere in North America, Europe, and Asia. In Greek Mythology, Lily is considered the flower of Hera, Zeus’ wife. Lilies also have a religious significance, having been mentioned in both the New and Old Testaments. These blooms have been treasured throughout history for their elegance and beauty. This fascination with the flowers led to its status as a significant cultural symbol.

Symbolism and Meaning

There are different meanings behind lilies. People generally recognise the flower as the embodiment of royalty, rebirth, sophistication, grace, and beauty. But the meaning of the flower can change depending on the colour of the petals. White lily means clean and symbolizes modesty, innocence, and purity. The yellow lily symbolizes healing, gratitude, good health, and happiness. Red lily means romance, passion, and desire, while pink means prosperity, abundance, and grace. On the other hand, the orange lily symbolizes encouragement, wealth, and confidence.


Lilies never go out of style. With its bright colours and showy blooms, lily floral arrangements are in demand and best-selling. These are favourite and frequently chosen flowers in numerous flower arrangements and are highly favoured by brides for their wedding bouquets. Aside from being a top choice for floral arrangements, lilies are also an absolute beauty in your garden.

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