Featured Flowers

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Magical Pastel
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$84.38 $78.05
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$109.30 $92.11
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Same Day Delivery
Save 12%
$107.81 $95.23
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Same Day Delivery
Save 11%
$123.44 $109.30
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Same Day Delivery
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$118.75 $109.38
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The Sun Shines Through
Save 6%
$131.25 $123.36
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Flaming Passion
Save 5%
$146.88 $138.98
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I’m Sorry

Say “I’m sorry” like you mean it with a bouquet of fresh flowers designed by local European florists. Browse through our collection of ‘I’m Sorry’ flowers to find the perfect arrangements for making apologies easy but sincere. Maria Fiorista has a wide array of bouquets and arrangements made of many kinds of flowers perfect for apologizing!

Send I’m Sorry Flowers

How can you convey a sincere apology? Is saying you’re sorry enough? Sometimes, you need a little more extra effort. In times like that, accompanying your apologies with flowers is a great idea. Whether you choose bouquets or flower arrangements on beautiful vases, sending flowers will make a gorgeous apology that your recipient will appreciate.

You can’t go wrong with I’m Sorry flowers as we’ve got plenty of choices for you. At Maria Fiorista, there are so many types of flowers, colours, and designs that work well in delivering your best apology. You can choose from stunning red, pink, yellow, orange, white, violet, and purple shades to convey your message.

Sending flowers to apologize is great. But if it’s not enough to earn their forgiveness, you can also send extras like gourmet chocolates, balloons, a fancy ribbon or some wine, perhaps. You can pair the flowers with gift baskets, sending a sweet apology to a loved one you’ve hurt. We are confident these will get you back in their good graces.

Same-Day Delivery of I’m Sorry Flowers

You’ve been having sleepless nights because you’ve hurt someone and haven’t apologized yet. What are you waiting for? Don’t let your pride stop you—say you’re sorry now and get back your peace of mind. If you’re shy, you can now confidently apologize with flower arrangements or bouquets as your peace offering.

Do you know the best thing about flower deliveries? You can have the flowers sent on the same day you ordered. If you’ve only just had the courage to say sorry, we can deliver your apology gifts immediately so you can reconcile with your loved one right away. Send an “I’m sorry” bouquet today and heal the rift in your relationship without delay.

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