Featured Gifts

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Gift Sets

Browse unforgettable gift sets on our page perfect for any occasion, from birthdays to the arrival of a new baby.  At Maria Fiorista, you can choose from an extensive collection of curated gift sets by our local European florists. They’re not just flowers, but teddy bears, chocolates, champagne, and many other gifts.

Special Gift Sets to Make Your Loved One Smile

Make your loved one smile with one of our unique gift sets designed by local European florists. When you don’t think flowers are enough of a gift, we can add some extras to make it more memorable. We have many things to add to your flowers to make them extra special and a little bit personalised. The additional items you can add to make a gift set include:

  • Lindt chocolates
  • Baci chocolates
  • Long ribbon
  • Fancy ribbon
  • Glass vase
  • Ceramic vase
  • A teddy bear
  • A bottle of red wine
  • A bottle of white wine
  • Asti martini
  • Moet champagne, and
  • Mumm (champagne, wine glasses, and a ribbon)

You can add any of these items to create a complete gift set that will take your recipient by surprise. The question is, “Which items should you add to the flowers to make a gift your recipient will like?” Ideally, it should include items that your loved one will like or enjoy. But the fact that you thought about making them a gift will be enough to make them smile.

Gift Set Ideas

The best gift sets are filled with things relevant to your recipient. Therefore, it should make up of things connected to the person you’re giving the gift to, whether they’re your friends, family or romantic partner. It’s also a great idea to craft a gift set that matches the occasion or event it was meant for, such as birthdays or anniversaries.

For instance, a gift set containing flowers and gourmet chocolates is perfect for someone with a sweet tooth. On the other hand, if they like stuffed toys, we suggest adding a teddy bear with flowers as a gift. But whatever your idea of a gift set is, you can count on Maria Fiorista to help you build a special one.

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